Leadership Way Coaching

How it works.

There are four basic stages involved in developing your leadership way that form the foundation of my Leadership Way Coaching.

Discover your CENTER. Get clear on yourself. Find out who you are as a person and a leader. What do you value? What are your passions? What gives your work and life meaning and purpose? What inspires you? What is your hidden potential? And as importantly, what’s blocking your path? What’s limiting the expression of your center and holding you back?

Begin to see new POSSIBILITIES. Aligning with your center taps into a new field of possibility. This is the place of inspiration, passion, great ideas, and energy. How do you wish to view challenges? What are the positive potentials within any situation? You will get amazing clarity and begin to see options you didn’t see before.

Define your LEADERSHIP WAY. What within you is trying to express itself? How do you wish other people to experience you? How do you want to add value and contribute? How do you wish to lead? What is the presence you’d like to have? How will you empower others? How will you inspire movement, innovation, change?

Embody it…LIVE IT! It’s not enough to visualize your Leadership Way. If you want to reach the heights of which you are capable and to allow the potential and creative genius within you to burst out, you have to live it!

Here is the secret sauce: Learn to recognize when you are centered and when you are not, and how to get back to centered-ness. Our goal is to make it habitual. In the busy-ness of a day, with all that is expected of you, you will find yourself off-center (and potentially making uninspired decisions). By recognizing the signals and getting yourself back to center, you are embodying your Leadership Way!

While this is straightforward, it is not “easy”. Yet all leadership development is a process of self-reflection aimed at personal growth.

This is where coaching comes in. The coaching relationship supports you in implementing these steps and to experience the fulfillment and results you want.

*Make the time & space: 1-on-1 COACHING WITH LEON*

An investment 
in your remarkable-ness.

If you are resonating with what I’ve said here and to the idea of having a trusted partner work with you through the leadership way process, I invite you to contact me for a no-charge consultation session to get started on your path to possibility.

At this consultation session you’ll receive personal 1-on-1 coaching from me and by the end of our session you will be clearer on what direction you need to be taking and how coaching can help you get there.

I invite you to initiate a conversation with me at  .

…about me and how I coach.

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