七大能量漏洞(與如何防堵!)The 7 Energy Sinkholes

你一天的時間就這麼多,其中你浪費了多少原本可以用來養身的時間在這些能量漏洞上? 摘錄自Lifehack.org 能量漏洞泛指一再耗損你的能量和榨乾你氣力的情境。你的心力可以投入在太多正當的理由上面,不需要浪費在這些「漏洞」上。遺憾的是,這些漏洞很少忽然一次漏完你的能量,所以不易察覺,他們都是慢慢地把你的生命力漏光,直到你累癱、無力和完全沒電為止! 遠離這些漏洞最好的方法是養成好習慣。預先安排好一些作法來面對這些問題,能幫助你將心力專注在更重要的事情上面。以下是你現在可能正面臨的七大時間賊: ...

The 7 Energy Sinkholes (and How to Avoid Them)

Energy sinkholes are situations that repeatedly drain your energy and stress you out.  There are plenty of good reasons to invest your energy, so don’t waste your attention on a sinkhole.  Unfortunately, it is often hard to see sinkholes since they rarely cause a drain all at once.  Instead they slowly leech away at your lifeforce until you’re stressed, depressed and apathetic. The best way...

The Perfection Thing

Many people adopt the goal of perfection as a senior organizing principle in their lives. Many religions and philosophies concern themselves with moving from an imperfect state to one of perfection. Often those who have taken on the cause of perfection as their marching orders do not realize that this is what they have done. Much is made of improvement, progress, development, and advancement. The idea...

Seek Satisfaction, Not Happiness

For true fulfillment, novelty and stress are part of the equation. Gregory Berns, a neuroscientist and psychiatrist at Emory University in Atlanta, GA, a scientist and author of the book, “Satisfaction, The Science of Finding True Fulfillment, looks at the exquisite interplay between brain structure and experience from the outside in. He says…” I used to think that we want pleasure...
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