Imagine for a moment that you are the leader of one of the North African nations currently under siege by “your people” seeking to dethrone you. The masses are swirling around the base of your power, rampaging through the streets, destroying buildings, and demanding your immediate and unconditional resignation. What would you do? Would you flee the country without a fight like Tunisian...
作者: David Brooks, March 7, 2011 在我的職涯中,我經歷了一些政策上的失誤。當蘇聯解體時,我們派了一群群的經濟學家,忘了考慮到摧殘這國家已久的低度社會信賴感。當入侵伊拉克時,國家領導人們也未對當地的複雜文化與世貿中心恐怖攻擊後的恐懼餘波做好準備。 過去(在美國)我們的金融體制是建立在銀行家是不會集體做出不理智行為的理性動物的前提之下。過去30年內我們嘗試過許多種不同的方式改造我們的教育體制—嘗試過大型學校、小型學校,私立學校、學券制,多年來卻忽略了核心議題:...