Power Play: a big idea is worth more than a big market share

One of the great frustrations encountered by today’s most powerful people is that the power they’ve worked so hard to amass may just stop working. It isn’t that they could lose what they have – it’s that it simply may no longer matter to the world.  Consider:  With 90% market shares in operating systems and applications, Microsoft could once use its dominance to crush competitors or simply...

The Participative Nature of the Universe

Excerpted from Leadership and the New Science, by Margaret Wheatley I am constantly creating the world – evoking it, not discovering it – as I participate in its many interactions. We cannot know anything about what is happening to something if we are not looking at it and, stranger yet, nothing has happened until we observe it. Reality emerges from our processes of obser­vation, from...

Leadership for High Performance in a Self Organizing World.

by Harrison Owen, founder of Open Space Technology: The experiment, of course, is that ridiculously simple way to elegant gatherings, Open Space Technology.  As you may know, the creation of OST was not a labor intensive activity. In fact it appeared in my mind on the strength of two martinis in the time it took to drink them. That was 23 years ago, and in the intervening period millions of people...
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