Lower Your Tempo

We live in a hectic, 24/7 society, full of power-walking workaholics where slowing down is for losers.  One recent survey by the consumer research firm OTX found that many of us use high-tech gadgets to get 31 hours of work out of a 24-hour day. So what could be less relevant to the working day than the “slow” movement?  This came into being in Italy 20 years ago when fast-food chain...

工作場合的民主 Democracy In The Workplace

by Traci Fenton, founder and CEO of WorldBlu Inc. 企業領導者若想保有並善用人才優勢,在新的企業體制奠定成功地位的話,請注意以下資訊。更多的上班族想要全心投入,在貢獻之餘還可以表達自我的新模式。這項投入的需求是時勢使然,強烈地重整了整個企業體制: 科技,網路,與”平坦”的世界。Myspace.com 讓我們成為重要人士,Wikipedia.com讓我們成為專家,Zimbio.com...

Democracy In The Workplace

Business leaders who want to retain and leverage talent and position ourselves for success in the new business landscape, listen up.  More workers want to be fully engaged, and they want a new model through which they can express themselves while making a contribution that matters.  This demand for engagement is driven by five trends that are dramatically reshaping the business context: * Technology,...

Where Do You Respond From?

You have many options to choose from when you respond to others.  You can respond from fear and judgment, your past experiences or your expectations and beliefs.  Or you can respond from detachment, unconditional love, peace and joy.  Each interaction you have with another presents you with an opportunities to choose from which place you will respond.  And what you respond from will be reflected...

提防辦公室壞胚子 Beware the office derailer

By David Maida, The New Zealand Herald 有些人有嚴重的人格缺陷以致於他們不適合擔任管理職,一旦他們被擺在賦予權力的位子時,結果會導致極大的危害。 Iain McCormick博士是高階管理教練中心的常務董事,他說壞主管或 ‘壞胚子’有幾種不同的類型,最糟糕的是辦公室精神變態型。”這些人不只是壞胚子,而且他們真的是非常令人討厭。他們通常擅長向上管理,但不會向下管理,他們冷酷無情、愛操縱、非常機智,但最糟糕的是他們(可能)還蠻適應於現代的工作職場。” “在步伐快速的世界,有時候這些特點被視為或被誤為是領導力。他們(這些精神變態)能勝任領導者的工作,但經常缺乏強烈的安全感。他們藉著欺壓、逼迫和操控來過度彌補這種不安全感。” ….為辦公室精神變態工作的人會陷於很大的麻煩。”員工能做的非常少。我認為這需要相當高層主管才能處理,而且盡可能離這些人遠一點,你可以去找其他工作或調部門,這大概是你能夠做的事。” 要與這種人講道理是不可能的,而且你千萬不要去懇求他們,因為他們只會趁機佔盡便宜。McCormick說,邏輯對他們是沒有用的。 “如果你打算要用權力去對抗這種人,那你要很小心,他們通常會反擊你….他們很能打擊士氣、降低生產力、阻礙人們的發展。他們的這些行為被發現之前,他們還能在職場上發揮作用一陣子。”他們表面上還算和藹可親,但是當你和他們敵對時,他們就完全變了一個樣。 “能引起大部分人進入管理工作的權力、威望、金錢….等等,同時也吸引這些人。” 並不是每一位無法正常運作的管理者都是完全的精神變態。David...

Beware the Office Derailer

Some people have such severe personality flaws that they are unfit to be managers and end up causing tremendous damage when they are put into positions of authority. Dr Iain McCormick, managing director of the Executive Coaching Centre, says there are several different types of bad managers or ‘derailers’, the worst of which is the office psychopath.  “These are people who are not...

All Too Human

There is a simple structural dynamic that dominates most human beings, and that is the avoidance of conflict. Most of us do not want to feel the emotional stress of having to confront others. Most of us do not want to confront ourselves when reality is different from what we thought it was. Rather than address head on those things that need addressing, we develop a lifetime of compensating strategies....
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