Busy, But Not Burdened

Daniel Decker has always thought of himself as a productive worker. He starts his day with a to-do list and a goal sheet. But sometimes Mr. Decker, who works for the Jon Gordon Companies in Jacksonville, Fla., finds himself reaching the end of the day with less done on his to-do list than he had planned.  The cause? …the interruption problem – a time-consuming combination of e-mail and...

忙,不盲 Busy, Not Burdened

改善工作場合丹尼爾達克一直認為自己是個有生產力的員工,因為他每天早上都先把要做的事情列表並訂下目標。但身為中國盾公司(位於Jacksonville, Fla.)一員的達克先生,有時候發現自己在一天下班前能完成的事常常比計劃少。原因?不斷被郵件與電話之耗時組合插撥干擾。 “我的結局是常常晚下班,週末得去辦公室,或在孩子睡了之後再回到辦公室,只有這樣我才可以有一些不被干擾的時間來完成工作。”...

The Unusual Story of Imaginal Light

Skye Thomas (http://www.tomorrowsedge.net/imaginal-cells.html) wrote this unique way of understanding the transformational process. This is a powerful analogy to understanding our selves, our lives, and our business. It goes like this.. After a caterpillar buries itself inside its cocoon, it waits to morph into a butterfly.  The caterpillar does not simply shrink a bit and sprout wings.  Instead,...
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