Meet Leon VanderPol


@_MG_0057拷貝BW-1_2_2I’m Leon VanderPol, and I am dedicated to helping today’s leaders awaken to the power of their inner reality and to lead and serve from that place. It’s great that you’re here.

As you consider coaching with me, here’s some information that will help you make the right decision for you.

Why choose to work with me?

I offer a unique brand of transformational coaching that allows people to open to and realize the greater possibilities that lie within themselves and their organization.

My clients choose to work with me because of my commitment to creating and holding the space for exploring potentials and possibilities. I also have a strong background in business, consulting, management, training, leadership and organizational development. I am successful at helping leaders from all walks make the changes needed to meet their business and life challenges.

Beyond that, coaching is my calling. I love to engage individuals in compelling conversations that inspire them to play much bigger games, and live fuller, more meaningful, and happier lives. I believe engaged, fully expressed, purposeful people leading organizations make a big impact on the world. And I believe coaching is a most powerful agent of positive, lasting human change.

Read more on what leaders have said about their experience of coaching with me.

Creative yet grounded. My clients also describe me as insightful and focused, with a unique ability to get to the essence of a matter. I coach because it is my nature to do so, because I love to make a real and lasting difference in the lives of people and their organizations.

Coaching experience and training. I am a certified coach with a C.P.C. (Certified Professional Coach) designation from an International Coach Federation (IFC) Accredited Coach Training Program. I have long worked in the human development industry–primarily in the business world–and have coached clients from around the world. I have studied behavioral psychology, leadership development, facilitation, spirituality, mediation and other areas applicable to human development. I am a passionate learner of life.

15 years business experience. I have years of experience in corporate consulting, management, training, facilitation, professional development program design, life-skills and leadership training, business ownership, investing, and am a trusted husband, father, and friend.

Integrity. I am a person who deeply values integrity, in the fullest sense of the word. I keep my word, maintain absolute confidence, speak truthfully, and treat you as I would like to be treated. I am about authentically meeting your needs as they arise. Good coaching does sell itself and I stand behind my work.

Personal – Married 6 years, and have a daughter and a son. I have lived in a number of countries and led a less-than-usual life full of interesting people and unusual places, all of which has greatly enriched my understanding of the human journey we all share.

My question for you today is, what’s holding you back?

If you’re like me, that question can be a remarkable catalyst for awareness and change, and when answered can effectively flip the switch and set you on a path to making a shift that you need to make.

My clients get these powerful moments during coaching conversations with me. Because in the busy-ness of leading an organization, self awareness and inner change can be difficult to make time for.


*Make the time & space*

1-on-1 Coaching with Leon

Do you feel it would be worth an hour of your time to talk with me?

If the idea of having a trusted partner work with you through your process, I invite you to contact me for a no-charge consultation session to get started on your path to revealing your unique leadership way and the possibilities that will flow from there.

During this our session you’ll receive personal 1-on-1 coaching from me, and by the end you will be clearer on what direction you need to be taking and how coaching can help you get there.

I invite you to initiate a conversation with my by contacting


With thanks and great respect,


Certified Professional Coach (CPC); Owner, Imaginal Light Consulting


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