Your Leadership Way

You might be asking, what does Leadership Way mean?

I’d like to introduce you to a concept. I call it leading from your center.

You can think about it this way: there is an energy center inside of you that you can harness. And when you connect to and harness that energy, you get a dramatically different kind of result: the quality of your thinking and your decisions improve, your influence in the organization expands, and your performance dramatically improves. You explode with ideas and possibility!

People will follow you, and not because you have authority. When you lead from your center you are a remarkable person—and people line up to be led by remarkable people.

Chances are you’ve gotten to where you are today because you have accessed your center countless times. But were you aware of it? Has it become your consistent way of leading?

This is where my work comes in, helping you first to connect with your center and then to craft your unique Leadership Way.

Once you have connected with your center, that energy will want to come out of you and show itself. Your Leadership Way is exactly this: the outward expression of your inner center.

Your Leadership Way is an expression of the vast potential you have within you. It is your remarkable-ness.


The result?

Your decisions and actions fall into place, with much greater lightness and ease. You gain a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in your work and life. You are courageous. You take bigger risks. You use passion and ideas to lead people. You inspire people to move, to take coordinated action, to connect and make change themselves.

Most importantly, you will begin to see whole new fields of possibility and potential within yourself, your people, and your organization!

It is a blessed place to be.

Would you like to lead from your center?

To discover your Leadership Way?

To be a remarkable leader?

*Make the time & space*


If you are resonating with what I’ve said here and to the idea of having a trusted partner walk with you through the process, I invite you to contact me for a no-charge consultation session to get started on your path to remark-ability and possibility.

At this consultation session you’ll receive personal 1-on-1 coaching from me, and by the end of our session you will be clearer on what direction you need to be taking and how coaching can help you get there.

I invite you to initiate a conversation with me at

about how Leadership Way Coaching works.

about who I am and how I coach.


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