Into the Unknown

I have an invitation for you. Come with me on a journey into the unknown, right here, right now.

What is unknown is what will follow these words—at this point, for both of us. For this article I have no clear idea at all, at most a vague concept. What I know is that I’m compelled to write, so I am putting my fingers to the keyboard and letting it flow. What I can promise you that there will be something here for both of us to understand. Heck, it might be of a life changing magnitude! But neither of us will know that unless we take that first step. So let’s go.

Clichés aside, at some point in our lives we are all asked to move courageously into the unknown. No question, no hesitation, just move because you know it is the right move.

I have spent a some time these last few months learning about where our world—this big beautiful blue planet of ours—is potentially heading. Thanks to some good friends and extraordinary resources, I’m seeing with much greater clarity and knowledge the Shift that is taking place, and the massive changes in store. In hindsight, I now see that the signs are everywhere, but it takes some effort and focus to see how it all connects, and to see the beauty in it all.

The fear around what is going on is palpable. If the markets were a dog, they’d be running skittish around the yard. When your dog runs skittish around the yard, what does it tell you? Is it a sign that something is amiss, and best you take a look around? Or…ignore it, just a thing that dogs do on occasion.

And that is what many of us are doing—ignoring, or choosing not to see what is there to see. In this shift, as systems crumble around us to make way for the emergence of something even greater, much is being revealed about our past and our potentials.

Veils are being lifted, and we can far more clearly see what lies behind. We can see the manipulation, the powerful puppet masters at work, their grand designs for a new world order a giant blueprint long in the making.  And on the other end of the color spectrum, if you look hard enough and listen quietly enough, you can see the celestial artisans at play, energizing and magnetizing and lighting up the grid, opening the channels for the realization of our extraordinary potential.

Do you see all this? Do you know you have a role in this?

It is all there in black and white, the dance of the light and the dark. While the puppet masters scheme for a world in which power is centralized in the hands of a few, a force of great magnitude shines brightly as it calls out to each and everyone of us to make a choice—to become truly engaged.

Yet the truth is, so many of us are not engaged. We don’t want to know the truth. Or if we do, we shrug that powerless shrug, hoping and possibly praying for the best. What can I possibly do?

Yet this diminishes the magnitude of the shift that upon us, and your potential. What is unfolding is far greater, far more magnificent than the masters of the new world order could ever imagine. It is so much more than the engineered collapse of economy, it is the collapse of the old consciousness and the ascendance of our planet into a whole new level of vibration…and every living thing upon the face of this earth will be affected.

So what is your role? What can you do?

The beauty is you have a choice. Simply put, there is light and there is dark. Now choosing dark does not mean you support darkness. It means you choose to remain in the dark, to disengage, to shrug your shoulders and get back to your life as it is. Don’t ask me to change, awaken, or evolve. Just let me get back to things.

To choose light is not just to root for the “good guys” (this isn’t Star Wars!).  It is, in fact, the higher path precisely because you are being called to awaken, and to live from that awakened state. This takes effort, commitment, discipline, and the courage to live in the unknown; to walk without clear direction, to trust in That Which Can Be Trusted, to know that your life is about so much more than just living day to day. To choose light is to learn how to elevate your vibration and to allow love and light to permeate your very being so that your consciousness supports the entry of our world into its potential…as you emerge into yours.


I realize this is a blog on leadership…and that is to whom I am speaking. You who are capable of leading are being called to this. We have no more need for leaders who portend to serve while in fact serving themselves or their hidden masters.

We have a need for leaders who understand that the way forward begins with an energetic integrity, who are willing to look within and peel away the layers that stand in the way of the fullest expression of Self, who are willing to attune to a quiet voice as old as time itself and allow it to guide their actions.

But…where will this take me? What will I be asked to do? Will I be safe?

Welcome to the unknown! This is the adventure! It is Indiana Jones stepping off the cliff and into the void…and the first stone on the invisible path appearing underfoot. As then does the next.

Because on another level, what is unknown is known.

  1. Shyam says:

    I’m with you!

  2. says:

    Beautiful post, thank you so much. It inspired me to write this -

    The wisdom and leadership of a sage does not come from outside, it does not come from being superior, it does not come from being right.

    This wisdom is a deep knowing, an ability to learn from all around and all within, an ability to step into the silence of the soul that consciousness offers, connected to the universal mind and God Source where all of the answers, all of the love, all of the infinite knowledge resides that is available to all.

    By stepping into this place, out of ego and into a humble willingness to know, the knowledge and wisdom that seems inaccessible to the naked eye becomes clear, shining, vibrant and true.

    When in this place there is no need to boast, brag, pressure, perform or seek outside validation or assurance of ability or power because the innate knowing of self, the innate knowing of non-egoic inner power, the innate sense of “I AM” goes way beyond outside comprehension. This can only be felt within and can only be taught when shared from that space.


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