• Inner Side of Leadership

    The future of leadership is all about the expertise to empower, inspire and connect people, and to make organizations remarkable. And where does all this ability reside? Inside yourself. Remarkable leaders are grounded in who they are, adept at hearing their inner voice amidst chaos, and understand how to act with extraordinary purpose. The art of Unusual Leading emanates from here. Welcome!
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  • Imaginal Light

    What is an Imaginal Light? Someone who is imagining what could be and moving to make it a reality. People like you and me. People who are seeing a need to switch course and are saying, 'I'm going to make it happen.' Read on to discover more about the power of Imaginal Light.
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Your Path to Remarkable Leadership.

I’m Leon VanderPol and I support executives, business managers, and entrepreneurs to become remarkable leaders. A remarkable leader is one whose leadership is inspiring, empowering, and purposeful. One who creates change they deeply believe in.

My work is to assist you to envision the boundless possibilities and opportunities you can create, and to help you to turn that into reality–within yourself and within your organization.

Exploring the depths of your potential is difficult if not impossible to do alone. Even the most talented and experienced people have difficulty recognizing the best path of reinvention.

This might surprise you, but I work with highly intelligent and effective leaders who have not yet explored their leadership potential. Most are born leaders who naturally found themselves in leadership positions. And they succeeded! But one day they hit a wall. They started to question the way things were and what they were doing with what they had. And the questions had no easy answers.

The feeling of hitting a wall is a signal that it’s time to change.

You might recognize some of these signals yourself. Are you…

  • Consistently feeling high levels of stress or anxiety?
  • Feeling fatigued mentally?
  • Having difficulty relaxing when not at the office?
  • Struggling to lead your team?
  • Dissatisfied with your performance and losing confidence?
  • Lacking clarity and feeling stuck?
  • Believing your work has little purpose or meaning?

It’s possible that you’ve hit the wall too. What you’re experiencing is the call to make an inner change for an outer change; to transform yourself in order to transform your organization and multiply your positive influence in the world.

It is possible to live differently, feel differently, connect differently, and lead organizations differently. Whether you work in a multi-national corporation, run a business, start up enterprises, lead civic groups, or organize community events, I can assist you.

The solution I’ve created—and what I am here to help you discover and craft—is your own unique Leadership Way. It is the doorway to the remarkable leadership that your organization needs now.

.to learn what Leadership Way is all about.


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Make the time & space:

It’s great that you’re here looking into the possibility of coaching as a means to expand your leadership capacities. It’s true, having a trusted partner work with you through the process of crafting your leadership way is really an extraordinary experience, and it will make a significant difference in the way you lead your organization and live your life.

I invite you to contact me for a no-charge consultation session to get started on your path to new possibilities. At our consultation session you’ll receive personal 1-on-1 coaching from me, and by the end of our session you will be clearer on what direction you need to be taking and how coaching can help you get there.

I invite you to initiate a conversation with me at

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